Monday, May 19, 2008

Thirsty firsty

Well this is the first post for my new blog. It has to start somewhere, so why not make it a tasty one. The idea of this blog is to show some recent work and to also provide a few insights into how it was created. Now onto the matter at hand...

These drinks were shot in-between-meals using a shoot through umbrella camera right (580ex II) slightly behind and above the glasses. I also used a large reflector close, camera left and a few black cards to add some shape to the glasses.

580ex on the background. (Table cloth draped over a pin up board, which in hindsight didn't really light the background as well as I would have hoped).

The second image (mmm, prawns) was shot using a fairly similar set up, with the umbrella higher and shooting straight down onto the meal. With white cards around the front of the plate for fill. Enjoy!

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